"You Deserve Vibrant Health"

Acacia Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs

Acacia Acupuncture and Chinese Herbs offers many services that will enable you to experience vibrant health and age with grace.

Acupuncture                             Cupping

Auricular Acupuncture            E- Stimulation
Herbal Medicine                      Moxibustion

Japanese Acupuncture

What issues can be treated by Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Musculoskeletal                                       Gastrointestinal
Arthritis                                                          Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Carpel Tunnel Syndrome                                 Colitis
Knee injuries                                                   Constipation
Low back discomfort                                      Diarrhea
Sciatica                                                           Acid Reflux
Shoulder injuries                                            Indigestion
Tennis Elbow or Golf Elbow

Circulatory                                      Gynecological
Hypertension                                                  Menopausal Syndrome
High Cholesterol
                                              Menstrual Irregularity      

Urogenital Issues:                                   Psycho emotional and Neurological
Cystitis                                                         Anxiety
Stress incontinence
Prostatitis                                                    Depression
Prostatic hypertrophy                                Migraine
                                                                      Post-stroke paralysis

This listing is not all inclusive. The World Health Organization states acupuncture is effective for these common disorders as well as many others. Acupuncture and other modalities in Traditional Chinese Medicine have been utilized throughout Asia to treat many more issues.

There are many reasons we become ill or injured. Primarily due to excesses in lifestyle or limitations. Acupuncture stimulates the body to return to its natural balanced state
Acupuncture- Initial Visit ; consultation and treatment: $95
Follow up Treatment: $65
Herbal Consultation and treatment: $65 plus cost of herbal formula
Tuina- Initial visit; consultation and treatment: $95
Tuina follow up treatment: $65
Smoking Cessation: $250 plus cost of herbal formula to ease discomfort when indicated

Wellness packages available
Four visits for 10% off regular pricing